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Make Your Move!

I've never been one for making New Year’s resolutions, but I've had a change of heart. If you don't plan, your goals may not be realized and another year will have passed. In the words of Adlai, "It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that count. I've hand picked 10 resolutions to assist you in planning yours. After all, the purpose of life is to LIVE it and the way to get the most out of life is to look upon life as an adventure!

Be more grateful:

Being grateful for the simple things in life can make you happier. I’m grateful for waking up each day, my health, family, someone to love, and my active lifestyle. Start by being grateful for what you take for granted each and every day.

Focus on the positive and be happier:

It's much easier said than done to shift your focus to positive thoughts, but it's the only way. It takes time and patience to learn how to find joy in the little things. Whatever you’re doing, be fully present and appreciate every aspect. Look for the good in all that you do.

Meet new people:

Don't miss out on opportunities for meeting people and having fun. Meeting new people can be beneficial to your mental well-being and your work. Spend more time with people that matter, it's the best way to stay happy.

Touch your toes:

How important is exercise and eating healthy? Exercise is the most important part of keeping your body at a healthy weight which means you'll be healthier and happier. Yes, you can do it, create the habit now.

Get organized:

Organizing your life will save you time and money. When your organized there will suddenly be more time for you! Let go of things you no longer wear or need and donate. Oh, and start your day by making up your bed.

Defend yourself:

Having the ability to protect yourself and the safety of others is important for you mentally and physically. Take a self defense or gun safety class.

Explore your world:

Travel more and see the world. This can be achieved with a small budget. Plan and make it happen.

Help others:

Give your time and energy in helping others. Giving is the biggest reward your can get!

Slow down:

According to Leo Babauta, “Life moves at a fast pace that it seems to pass us before we can really enjoy it. Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to a greater appreciation for life and a greater level of happiness.”

Love more:

Cultivate a passion in your life by finding an interest, cause, discovery or love of something. Find love in an existing relationship or a new one. The more you love the more you live.

Remember to wake up smiling, seize every moment, try new things, take chances, and have fun!


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